Energy and Climate Change

Energy and Climate Change

Climate change is a process that, increasingly, requires little explanation in terms of either its mechanism or the urgency with which action is required, both to reduce greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions and to adapt to the levels of future climate change that have become an inevitable part of our future.

RPA’s work on energy and climate change is diverse and can extend from work that is directly related to the climate change issue (encompassing work on both climate change mitigation and adaptation) through to activity that is connected to it by virtue of the continuing need to assess the risks, costs and benefits of projects and programmes to mitigate and/or adapt to climate change.  On the one hand, RPA has the skills and capability to undertake work on the identification of mitigation measures, climate change impacts and adaptation measures in different spheres of activity.  On the other, we also undertake studies to help ensure that the impact of projects, strategies and programmes put in place to address climate change issues is likely to produce the maximum social, economic and environmental benefit.

We have been instrumental in the development of baseline studies and appraisal frameworks for the assessment of the likely social, environmental and economic impacts of energy strategies, such as in the development of offshore renewables.  In terms of strategies, we have conducted research to assess the costs and benefits of adopting different electric vehicle charging systems within the EU and, in terms of projects, we have undertaken risk and safety assessments in relation to the siting of urban and extra-urban wind turbines, for example.

Our teams also work on energy issues in their own right, considering issues such as the hazards and risks associated with energy sources and technologies (including oil & gas and renewables), risks associated with new technologies such as shale gas and risks associated with energy technologies in the shipping and transport sector.

If you would like further information, please contact our experts below.

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