Teresa Fenn
Teresa Fenn is Director (Water) at RPA with more than 20 years of experience. She has extensive experience of the application and development of socio-economic appraisal techniques and decision-making methodologies in the fields of flood and coastal erosion risk management, water quality, water resources, historic environment, marine restoration, offshore renewables, mine water remediation and river restoration. Her work involves the development of methodologies and associated tools and guidance that look to integrate approaches to appraisal to enable the wider economic, social, cultural and environmental benefits of policies and projects to be captured.
Her recent work involves assessing how natural capital accounting and ecosystem approaches could be broadened to capture benefits from the historic environment, the development of a decision-making tool associated with decarbonisation policies, the economic appraisal of flood risk management measures, and evaluation of Defra’s Partnership Funding policy for flood and coastal erosion risk management. She also recently completed the development of an integrated appraisal method that enables the benefits of water management at the catchment scale to be captured, training on evaluation for Ministries and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) in Botswana and a scenario analysis of coordinated and uncoordinated approaches to planning in the Trent Valley in Derbyshire.