Human Health Hazard, Risk and Safety Assessment
RPA has a long established track record in the field of hazard, risk and safety assessment and has been developing and applying quantitative and semi-quantitative risk-based approaches to a very wide range of situations, hazards and risks including:
- Transport and hazardous goods (aircraft accidents, oil/chemical terminals, shipping accidents, transport of dangerous goods)
- Major accident hazards (including oil/gas/chemical plants, explosives and fireworks facilities, chlorination plants for water treatment, etc.)
- Other hazards (including a rocket test track and wind turbines)
- Workers, consumers and consumer products (including toys, fairground safety, gas appliances, mobile phones, food safety, workplace safety)
RPA works in all areas applying a wide range of specialist techniques including statistical analysis of past incidents, consequence modelling, risk ranking, comprehensive Quantitative Risk Assessments, Monte Carlo simulations and the determination of individual and societal risks.
In recent years, chemical risk management (for more, see Chemicals and REACH Compliance) and flood risk management (for more, see Flooding and Erosion) have become areas of particular expertise.
Click here to find out about the Definitions of Hazard and Risk that we use, or contact our experts below for further information.