Definitions of Hazard and Risk used by RPA
The basic terminology used in risk and hazard assessment can be confusing for the non-specialist. RPA has adopted the following definitions (based on those published by DG SANCO in 2000):
Hazard – the potential of a risk source to cause an adverse effect(s)/event(s);
Risk – the probability and severity of an adverse effect/event occurring to man or the environment following exposure, under defined conditions, to a risk source(s); and
Risk Assessment – a process of evaluation including the identification of the attendant uncertainties, of the likelihood and severity of an adverse effect(s)/event(s) occurring to man or the environment following exposure under defined conditions to a risk source(s).
Clearly, such definitions are generic in nature and need to be adapted to the issues under consideration. Our experience indicates that such definitions can be adapted without difficulty across a diverse range of risk studies.
If you would like further information, please get in touch.