Chemical safety assessment (CSA) under REACH includes the generation of information on safe use of hazardous substances in consumer products (both mixtures and articles). Importers and manufacturers of chemical substances are expected to carry out an exposure assessment and determine the conditions of safe use. Such conditions of use are communicated, via the extended Safety Data Sheet (SDS), to the producers of consumer products, both formulators and downstream users.
Based on the experience from the first registration deadlines, information exchange amongst exposure experts of EU Member States and experience from the evaluation process, it is believed that many registrants have not yet found the right way to generate and/or communicate transparent, consistent and useful information regarding safety of consumer uses.
This study aims to identify and come up with ideas for and solutions to any shortcomings identified in the present information exchange infrastructure, and specifically exposure assessment tools.
Survey is live: Formulators of mixtures for consumer use are invited to participate by completing a short questionnaire on their information needs, on experience related to REACH exposure scenarios communicated to them and on carrying out own chemicals safety assessment (if relevant). Click here to visit the survey page.
Workshop – 9 March 2018 - “Consumer mixtures: exposure assessments for consumer use” For formulators of mixtures - DG Environment building, Brussels. Click here for more information.