

RPA has been working in the area of construction products policy for many years, providing high quality analysis and input to guide policy makers at the local, national and EU levels in making the most appropriate interventions to address a wide range of topics and issues affecting construction products and the construction sector in general.   Our work on construction products covers scientific assessments, policy analysis, impact assessments and economic modelling.  In these studies, we apply a variety of techniques including cost-benefit analysis, socio-economic analysis, hazard/risk assessment, assessment of alternatives and environmental and health economics. 

We have an impressive track record in providing policy analysis to the European Commission governments on the construction sector’s most important legislation - The Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (the CPR) – which was published in April 2011 and repealed the Construction Products Directive (CPD).  In 2015, RPA assisted the European Commission (DG GROW) with a study to review the implementation of the CPR across the EU.  Prior to the CPR, in 2007, RPA undertook a study for DG ENTR which involved identifying the problems with the CPD, defining options that could address these problems and undertaking an assessment of the implications of the policy options that were identified.  We are also experienced in undertaking policy impact assessments and evaluations in various industry sectors/uses which are of relevance to the construction sector.  For example, in 2012 and 2013, RPA undertook Impact Assessment Studies on the Gas Appliances Directive and Pressure Equipment Directive respectively.

Our team has a wealth of experience in the scientific and policy aspects relating to construction products, having undertaken studies into various chemicals relevant to the construction sector (such as formaldehyde, man-made vitreous fibres, glycol ethers, coal tars, zinc, cadmium, lead, etc.). More recently, RPA was involved in a risk management study for CEFIC which involved undertaking a cost-benefit analysis relating to potential impacts of chemicals legislation on companies represented by the European Panels Federation. 

RPA works with various partners who are knowledgeable about the construction sector, such as Tecnalia, Arcadis, EIB and Prognoscentret, as well as various technical experts with expertise in steel construction products, roofing, wall cladding, roads, bridges, water and wastewater infrastructure, civil, agricultural and industrial construction works.

Click here to find out about our study for the European Commission on the Construction Products Regulation (EU) No 305/2011 (the CPR).

If you would like further information, please contact our experts below.


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