
RPA, in conjunction with Natural England, undertook a study to determine the opportunities and threats to the local economy as a result of its environmental dependencies. The work identified key opportunities for and threats to the economic plans of the New Anglia LEP which stem from the economy’s dependence on the environment. Such opportunities and threats may be significant, but have previously been given insufficient consideration in economic development planning, partly because the complexity of the evidence base makes them hard to assess. This report is based on the thorough and systematic process defined by the LEED toolkit. It draws on economic and environmental expertise and data, as well as the experience of key partners in the local area. The toolkit was developed by Natural England and is available to other LEPs.

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A study that aims to evaluate the impact of REACH on the operational conditions and structure of chemical and downstream industries has been launched by the European Commission's industry directorate, DG Growth.
An extensive survey has been launched to provide information for the study, which is being jointly prepared by the Centre for Strategy & Evaluation Services (CSES), Risk & Policy Analysts and Ökopol. The project's aim, says the survey, is to “remedy any weaknesses identified during the study with a view to minimising possible adverse effects of the REACH implementation and to maximise the impacts of specific REACH mechanisms which improve conditions for businesses.”

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16 Feb

Defra published RPA's reports on IDBs

Defra have published RPA's reports "Internal Drainage Boards (IDB) Beneficiaries and Performance Indicators" and "Developing the IDBs' Beneficiaries Toolkit and Performance Indicators"

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26 Jan

Implementing the EU strategy on EDCs

The European Commission's Directorate General for the Environment (DGEnv) has awarded the Framework Contract on the implementation of the EU strategy on endocrine disrupting chemicals (EDCs), which was agreed at the 7th environmental action programme. Three contractors, including RPA, have been awarded the tender, which aims to support the EU strategy on EDCs.

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