Risk & Policy Analysts (RPA) have again been awarded a place on the Environment Agency’s National Framework Agreement for Applied Environmental Economics. In 2009, RPA were also successful contractors on the previous EA Environmental Economics Framework, which this new commission succeeds.
The Framework Agreement will cover environmental and ecosystem service valuation, cost-benefit analysis, economic appraisal and impact assessment across the complete range of the Environment Agency’s work. This includes flood risk management, climate change, agriculture, fisheries, waste, water, and business regulation and local economic partnership.
RPA has been a service provider to the UK government since 1990, carrying out more than 100 studies for the Environment Agency – most involving economics. Projects have ranged from strategic policy studies through to scheme level assessments on bathing water quality, river water quality and flood and coastal erosion risk management, as well as providing advice and training.
RPA Project Director, Meg Postle, commented, saying “To be able to continue to support the Environment Agency in economic policy decision-making means we can build on previous work and experience built up over the course of the last framework, and our work for the Agency prior to that.”
Having recently commenced, the contract will run for two years, with a potential third year extension. Support on this Framework will be provided by sub-consultants from HaskoningDHV, ACTeon and Cambridge Econometrics (CE), as well as academic experts.