David Carlander

David Carlander

David is a Principal Consultant with over 23 years of experience from academia, public administration and the private sector. He holds a PhD in Clinical Chemistry, and a Masters in Biotechnology.

Over the last 14 years David has been working with risk assessments in the food and chemicals area including nanomaterials. David has been supporting regulatory submissions of food contact materials under the EU and US legislations, and given numerous presentations at national and international events, including regular attendance at ECHA Stakeholder and OECD meetings. David has been involved in several large EU funded projects and been a work package leader. He has worked for the Swedish Ministry and been part of presenting national standpoints at the European Commission and Council meetings.  


David is Swedish and has lived for a year in France, 5 years in Italy, 8 years in Portugal and, since 2019, in the UK. In addition to English, he has good understanding of Norwegian and Danish, and is decent with French, Italian and basic Portuguese.


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